
Game commands


  • /export - save current game state to json file (for debug)

  • /ach - achievement animation (achievements in the game are not completed, there is only animation)

  • /uuid - show uuid and write it to uuid.txt

  • /draw_adjacency - on/off the display of provinces that can be moved from the selected

  • /music_on - turn on music

  • /music_off - turn off music

  • /nolags - no delays and freezes in multiplayer, but there must be a stable connection (default mode)

  • /nodisconnect - there may be freezes and delays, but you can play with an unstable connection with a high ping (choose if you are often kicked in multiplayer)

  • /profile <seconds> - profile game performance over time and save the report to a file

  • /hide <seconds> - hide user interface


For all servers

  • /help - show list of commands

  • /ping - show ping

  • /uuid - show uuid and write it to uuid.txt file

  • /select - select province (for /setciv command)

  • /load - load map and scenario from server to single

  • /profile - profile game performance over time and save the report to a file

  • /hide <seconds> - hide user interface

Commands of standard plugins, if not removed by server owners


  • /players - list of players and display who clicked next button and who doesn't

  • /m <ник> <сообщение> - personal message


  • /rc - change civilization (no more 3 times per game)

  • /pass - allow a player to join the official server even if they don't have a license

  • /setcolor r g b - set civilization color (RGB 0 - 255). Example: /setcolor 255 0 0 - red

  • /rtr - start voting to start a new game


  • /kick - kick player

  • /mute - mute player

  • /unmute - unmute player

  • /ban - ban player

  • /banip - ban player by ip + standard ban

  • /setmap - set next map

  • /setscenario - set next scenario

  • /nextgame - finish this game and start next

  • /scenarios - scenarios list

  • /shutdown - shutdown server

  • /select - select province

  • /setciv - set player on country chosen by command /select

Last updated